We’re getting ready for Shabbat for 2000, NYU's largest annual student-run event and one of the largest Jewish student-run events in the US!

When and where is it?

This year, Shabbat for 2000 will take place on May 3rd at the Paulson Gym from 8-10pm.

How can you get involved?

We’re looking for 200 students to be table captains and recruit their friends to join us for this magical evening. Table Captains will receive exclusive Shabbat for 2000 swag, lots of free pizza, and a great resume boost. You can sign up to be a table captain here.

If you want to help make this event a reality, please let us know and we’ll direct you to the donation campaign.

Who is invited?

All of you! This event is free for Jewish undergraduate and graduate students at any school in NYC and all NYU students, and open to anyone who buys a ticket — parents, alumni, community partners, and more. Tickets will be available here starting at the end of March.

Table Captain Leaderboard

This leaderboard shows how many seats are filled at each table captain’s table. Updates at the end of each day.